Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sunday Smiles!

Sunday is usually my least favorite day of the week, but not today. After three days of illness in our household things started to turn around today. This morning we began our day with pancakes at our casa, and then played until naptime. After Z's first nap, we met up at Perkin's with some of my favorite people, my posse, my family. My Mom and Dad were so happy to see Zach, since they missed him on Thursday and Friday this week. Uncle Nick was also appreciative from afar, as he has been touched one too many times this year by "Sick Pac"'s illnesses. Aunt Lisa and cousin Jack were thrilled to get to hang out with the little guy. Actually, it was a very loooong lunch, but the boys didn't mind because they spent a great deal of their time there being entertained by Grandma who had them singing and playing drums on the table. Oh to be a kid again!

After lunch we did a little grocery shopping and headed back home, Z took another nap (so did Mommy) and when he woke up we decided to embrace the sun, before the next slew of rainy or snowy (yikes) weather hit! Here is the little man in his Radio Flyer car that Grandma and Papa got him for his big b-day:

I mean seriously, how happy does this little guy look to be cruisin' around the neighborhood?

Pretty darn' cute if you ask me!
We took in the beauty of the day and I snapped a few shots.

Here is one image I took:

Don't ask me why, but I like the shadows and light here. Isn't it amazing what a difference a few days make? Compare the picture of Zach playing with Daddy's hat today to his Sickie Baby shots and you can see why I call today Sunday Smiles!

Boy does my son love to laugh at himself. Oh, as a funny sidenote...shortly after I took that last shot I discovered the Zach is getting his first molar...see Mom, I was right! Well I guess next week the Sunday smiles will just be toothier! :)

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