Monday, July 20, 2009

Cousins, Cousins, Cousins by the Dozens! Zach doesn't have dozens of 1st cousins, in fact he only has two, but its a song my Mom sings and I think its quite catchy. Plus, you never know what fate has in store! I am lucky enough to have two incredibly adorable nephews who are both just so sweet to my little boy. I can't wait to see how Zach's relationship with his cousins Jason and Jack evolve over the years.

Today I was fortunate enough to get to see both of my nephews in one day! This morning my sister Lisa had a dental apt so I was asked to nephewsit and it was great! I don't often get to have Jack's humor all to myself, so it was a definite treat. He morphed into the Hulk at one point and made this hysterical face, and he was so kind to Z even when he threw a temper tantrum because he was tired. We all ate pancakes together, and instead of me talking to Zach and getting no reply, I was able to carry on a very enjoyable breakfast conversation with Jack. It was a great way to start a Monday. Once we put Z down for his morning nap, Jack and I headed outside to play with bubbles. I am not sure how it happened, but he convinced me we should fill up the baby pool and just splash around in it. He had a blast and by the time his Mom came to pick him up, he was soaked from head to toe. Lisa and I enjoyed some java together while we watch Jack run around like a crazy man, and it was great. Too bad Zach missed all the fun because he was sleeping! Here is a shot of Jack when he was "King of the Crab" (he actually said this...he is so funny!)

Then this evening we had a visit from my sister in law Lisa, my brother in law Skip and my oldest nephew Jason. (Wayne and I both have sisters named Lisa, who have sons with J names...isn't that a coincidence!) It was so wonderful seeing the boys run around together. Jason also showed us his awesome new sneakers that light up like police cars. I think Zach wanted a pair too, but like I told Lisa, he'd probably just walk into everything because he would be too busy looking at his feet. The boys were just too cute having a grand old time just circling the house, until Jason wanted to go outside and blow bubbles. As you can see the two of them had a lot of fun and spent some much needed cousin bonding time together. By the end of the day, Zach could even say Jay:

I just love this last shot because Jason is being a superhero, pointing his bubble blowing gun at an imaginary assailant and Zach is just looking at him like, "Um...I don't really see anything Jason, but I'll go with you on this." So sweet to see how quickly they grow and become so creative!

And even though it was a wonderful day with both his cousins, at the end of the evening, Zach couldn't help but go in search of his BF "Lennie". I actually think if you tallied how many times Zach says Mommy, Daddy or Lennie in a day, Lennie would win 2 to 1. Of course you'll notice that both Lennie and Zach don't listen to Mommy when she says to stay out of the landscaping. Oh well.. at least I got this adorable shot:

Thank you everyone for coming and making this such a great and memorable "cousins" day!


  1. What is it with kids and bubbles? In the infamous words of Paul Rudd from the movie Knocked Up, "Kids go ape s#$% over bubbles. I wish I got that excited about anything." Haha :-) Your pictures just made me think of that line.

  2. A great movie quote. Am I totally lame if I admit I still secretly love playing with bubbles? Seriously, I might have played with them longer yesterday than all three kids combined!

