Thursday, November 5, 2009

On this day, four years ago...

I said "I do!"

To this man:

On a beautiful Fall day in this gorgeous church:

Surrounded by all of the people we loved:

Beginning our journey as a family of two:

Which would grow today into our family of five (I can't leave Lennie out!)

And on that day we:

Stood side by side, supporting each other,

Took the time to sneak in a kiss...or two... or 100,

And laughed till our sides hurt and our faces were sore!

Four years later, we still do those things, only today if I was asked the same question, I would even more emphatically reply "I do, I will, I'll always"...because well my husband is my best friend, my heart, my pillar to hold on to, and of course all the dreams of my present and future. So Wayne, I just want you to know that four years, practically two kids, a house, a puppy, and a million little twists in the road later, I am exactly where I wanted to be fours years ago, when we started out on our journey as Mr. and Mrs.

I love you with all that I am...Happy Anniversary!

1 comment:

  1. It might be the pregnancy hormones...but you just brought me to tears! What a beautiful post and my gosh...what a GORGEOUS wedding!!! Happy Anniversary to you both :-)

