Friday, February 5, 2010

Two Cuties and a Beauty...

I realized that I have been on a blog hiatus since announcing the news of our new house. I didn't mean to go missing, but things on the home front have been going at light speed. In the last two weeks, we've signed contracts to build a new house, and contracts to sell the house we've worked hard on the last five years to turn into our home. We have decluttered, and staged, taken pictures, and prepared our house and ourselves as much as we could for the upcoming onslaught of open houses and showings.

In the midst of this change, I have tried to keep a sense of normalcy for the boys, especially Zach (since he is the more cognitive one at his age) that all is status quo. That is a bit tricky when you've packed up dozens of his toys that he has become accustomed to playing with on a daily basis. Not to mention the increased trips to my Mom's house and to play dates with Jack(I actually think Zach really enjoys this part, since he seems to start crying the moment I come to get him!) What I've learned about my first-born boy in the last few weeks is that he is amazingly adaptable. He seems to rather enjoy the totes that we have bought, helping us pack away things, or crawling in them and playing for minutes on end with his toys inside. At almost two he is getting to be a bit more independent, and finds amusement wherever he ventures, whether its hiding out in his tent or playing in a storage tote, Zach is always ready to embrace the moment. Enter cutie #1:

Meanwhile Matt has been keeping things interesting around here at night. After sleeping through the night for almost two weeks, he has started getting up again at 2:30 a.m. for a feeding. He must be hitting another growth spurt! As disappointing as the return of the nighttime feeding is, I am thankful that he let me remember at least for a moment or two what a good night's sleep felt like. He has started to really come into his own in the last few weeks, laughing at our faces, and smiling at everything and everyone. He is such a happy laid-back boy (for the most part)and it is already impossible to imagine our family without his gleaming brown eyes, and gummy grins. Enter cutie #2:

And since I am so exciting that I won a gorgeous bow from Andrea I wanted to show everyone the beauty that she sent me for my niece:

It is so precious in person, and she even included a little textured headband to attach the bow to. I was so excited to see someone wear it that I even considered having Matt model how cute it is, but I felt that was wrong on a few levels, so instead I found a baby doll we used with Zach before Matt came, and let her showcase the bow instead.

Isn't is so pretty? Thanks Andrea, I can't wait to see my niece wear it this coming June!

1 comment:

  1. You are more than welcome! and trust me I have tried a few headband bows on my son just to make sure they weren't too big! but we don't talk about that! lol.

