Tuesday, May 4, 2010


To say that I am stressed seems like the understatement of the year right now. I know even as I write this how trivial most of the things that have me tied up in knots are, and yet I can't seem to shake this feeling that I am treading water. Since, I blog to reflect/document, and write in general to have an outlet for my thoughts it seems only fitting that I list for you my stressors:

Weighing in at #1 is this new house-I am so lucky to be building this home, but I swear the decisions that surround it feel like a boulder on your back. Even when you make the choices and you see things start to come together, you find unexpected surprises, and well these surprises are not good. Just this week they built the 1st floor of the house, forgot a window in the family room, and changed the windows on us. We toured a model, only to be told that they changed the windows, I was told we would still have transoms, but this week, guess what? You bet ya, no transoms. To make matters worse I swear the windows they are putting in my "great room" are no larger/longer than a bedroom window would be, and I hate,hate, hate them! I just am so frustrated by this process and feel like I was deceived a bit.

Taking 2nd place in my woes is our current home- I know I should be packing right now instead of blogging, but hell this is the one thing I do for me these days. I feel like I am never going to get anything accomplished between the 2 kids, and the daily grind. My mother has offered to help, but seriously, how much more can I let her do for me, she is already letting us live with her for 6-8 weeks. I just hate asking for help, and I know that I am going to have to in the coming weeks. Seriously, I just need to start, then maybe I won't feel so overwhelmed.

Taking 3rd is a unknown hernia situation- I would normally put anything regarding the health of my child at the top of my list, but I have talked to 3 doctors about Matt's hernia(he was born with it) and they all assure me that it is nothing that needs immediate attention. Still in a month I have to take my baby to see a Pediatric Surgeon and eventually he will have to undergo an operation. (Oh, and thanks to stupid deductibles, we will probably have to pay the somewhere between 200-400 dollars an office visit will cost with a specialist) Hell, I am thirty one and no one has ever even cut into me. He is only 5 months! I do not know how people who have ill children cope, it would destroy me.

4th is actually a little more pathetic- I am stressed and what do I do when I am stressed? I eat. Well...not this time. I recently joined WW and have lost 6 pounds in the last 3 weeks. I have many more left to shed (around 20 more from my pregnancy w/Matt, and about 30 more I have been meaning to lose for years) I feel like it has to be time to be the me I want to be. That part isn't stressful, but I do feel like I would like to eat ice cream and muffins and cake almost daily.

So there you have it folks, my 4 little stressors. I am sure if given the time I could think of ten more, oh, like $! Can you even have enough $ to not feel stressed? How about whether you are being the best parent you can be? I swear my head is reeling with thoughts constantly. Wouldn't it me nice if you could just break away from yourself sometimes? So tell me friends, how do you cope with stress if you can't eat a hot fudge sundae?


  1. Hey amy i wouldnt stress about the hernia!!! Reallly Grant has one too! We took him to the surgeon when he was 2 and they told us it not a big deal and have it looked at when he is 5! As far as the windows.... just keep b*itching till you get what you want! If you need help with anything or want us to take the boys just let us know!!!!

  2. Thanks Olivia. I knew that Grant had a hernia, but I didn't realize that they told you not to worry about it for so long. I have settled down about the windows a bit, it just takes me a moment, you know the Italian temper, and I appreciate the offer of help with the boys. On a brighter note, I can't wait to see you all on Saturday.

  3. Oh Amy...we are two peas in a pod right now honey. I am not trying to build a house right now, but I have my own list of stressors and like you...I am feeling totally and completely overwhelmed right now!!! I so wish that you and I lived closer to each other so that we could at least play date together when we are having a bad day. And maybe I could come over and entertain the kids while you start to pack. I am sure you have lots of offers from your family and friends, but I see what you mean about not wanting to ask for any more help. I think that is where mommy guilt comes into play...we feel guilty for not being able to handle everything on our own. But sometimes honey, I think we both just need to let people help when they offer because really...how else will it get done? If you figure out a secret...be sure to let me know. haha! Oh, and as a fellow Weight Watcher, I say you deserve to blow some extra points on icecream. I think it will really do wonders for your mood :-)

