Monday, November 15, 2010


I love mornings these days. I think its the fact that Matt has been sleeping the night again, and that with the time change it is finally light again when I get up. I think that rising with the sun makes a difference, don't you?

I also really like that my boys are so different in the morning. Matt is a lot like Wayne, once he's up he's up and ready to go. His priorities are pretty much, eat and play. After a few good hours of getting into everything he is ready for his morning nap. Just look at all he got into and this was in a 5 minute time frame:
Meanwhile Zach likes to take his time waking up. He usually waits a good 1/2 hour to hour till he wants breakfast, and he likes to chill in front of the tv. Sometimes he takes breaks and goes off and plays with Matt, but for the first hour of the day, Zach really enjoys just lounging around. In that way he is more like me. Now I should also say that once Zach gets going, he doesn't stop till nap time, and that he is very energetic throughout the day, but I love that he is mellow in the mornings, and in the hour leading up till bedtime. Here he is vegging in front of the tv:

Our morning routine works well because it allows me to have individual playtime with both boys. As Z is enjoying his PBS, Matt and I are playing together, and then when Matt goes in for his morning nap, Zach and I can get out some of those "choking hazards" toys and play together as well. I think I will miss mornings with the boys most of all when I go back to work in February. There is something so comforting in knowing that they aren't being woken up early, rushed to eat breakfast and hustled out the door to accommodate "our" schedule. Right now mornings are great, its like Saturday morning as a kid everyday around here.

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