Saturday, August 29, 2009

Sometimes When You Expect the Worst, You Are Pleasantly Surprised!

My sister went to Disney for 10 days. Now don't get me wrong, I am thrilled that she got to go on a great vacation with her in-laws and that Jack got to see Disney World for the first time. The issue sister has a dog. Not just any dog, a dog obsessed with balls named Doc. You see I have a dog, a dog named Lennie, a dog obsessed with Doc who is obsessed with balls. Oh did I mention I have an 18 month old named Zach who is also, ironically enough, obsessed with playing with balls. Do you see why I was hesitant to watch Doc for 3 days while my sister was away. I could just imagine the dogs barking at each other all day, and Zach trying to get into the mix. Needless to say the whole idea produced a lot of anxiety, but I wanted to be a team player and I wanted to help my sister I reluctantly agreed to assist in the dog watching. I just couldn't bear the idea of him being kenneled... I am a softy like that.

So when Doc arrived on Wednesday night, I was ready for the worst. It turned out he and Lennie weren't that interested in each other...well mostly because poor Doc started throwing up. He was sick in my kitchen, sick on my bed, and finally sick on a towel. The poor thing was so upset I couldn't even get mad, but I thought...this is going to be a long 3 days, especially because I didn't get to sleep till 1 that morning, and we all know toddlers love the early wake up call.

By the next morning I was still concerned, Doc seemed in better spirits, obsessing a little about a cabinet in my kitchen that housed the only ball in the house I hadn't stowed in the basement in a garbage bag the day before. I do mean every ball...Zach lost his toys, Lennie lost some of his, and any miscellaneous golf balls of Wayne's also made their way into my secret stash. I distracted Doc long enough to remove the object of his affection and the ball crisis was averted. The rest of the day went so smoothly that I was feeling confident.

Needless to say Doc really was no bother. He is a very sweet dog, very tolerant of a young boy
"petting" him (Thanks Jack for training him on that) and generally a snuggler. Even though I thought Lennie would drive me nuts, he even impressed me by how well he settled in and left Doc alone.. On the third day, I rewarded both dogs with a bone, and they did very well sharing. The lesson learned is that sometimes, I just need to relax. It was great to be able to help my sister out, and I dare say that once I see what it's like to have 2 babies and a dog, I might be willing to take on a few days of dog sitting in the future if she needed it. I guess sometimes its nice to step up and realize that you can do things you thought you couldn't. I am super glad I was able to help my family out and work past my anxiety. (Side note:Anxiety is common in women who are 7 months pregnant and dramatic by nature!)
Anyways here are a few shots of our days with Doc. And the anticipated return of Lisa, Mike and Jack, and the goodies they brought from Disney!

Lunch time... it's every dog for himself. Notice how nicely Doc is sitting, unlike my Lennie!
Playing together so nice!

Zach and Doc say their goodbyes!
Jack comes bearing gifts!
The Baby Yetti is a big hit!
And of course, Aunt Lisa spoils both her nephews with some matching shirts. Ah Li, do you remember those days? I certainly do...! I am certain Zach and Matt will look just as cute!
Thank you for all the great gifts, and we are so glad you are back safe and sound! Since I am passing out thank yous, a special one goes out to my Dad who spent 5 hours last night working on electrical in Matt's room, to my hubby Wayne for helping and staying awake, and to my cousin Johnny who saved the day! (Thank God, Uncle Cheech taught his son some of what he knows, since he is still in the hospital recovering, otherwise I am sure he would have made the 10 p.m. house call himself!) Oh, and thanks Mom for enduring my 3 hour picture and video show that I forced upon you!

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