Thursday, September 24, 2009

31 Wishes!

Tomorrow is my 31st birthday, which means I have been fortunate enough to have 30 birthday wishes. Although I can't possibly remember them all now, I thought I'd share 31 wishes I have today:
1. I wish I could eat anything I wanted and not gain a pound!
2. I wish I had more energy!
3. I wish I was more organized!
4. I wish I had a maid, someone to take care of my house so I could just enjoy life!
5. I wish I could just buy anything I desired and never have to consider the price!
6. I wish I could travel to all the places in the world I long to see!
7. I wish I was paid more for teaching!
8. I wish my husband would grow tired of watching Yankees games, golf, nearly every football game, and some hockey games...oh and if fantasy sports could disappear too, well I'd be thrilled.
9. I wish I could still sleep in till 11 o'clock anyday I wanted
10. I wish I could find more time to talk to or spend with my know without children screaming in the background, or running around like monkeys.
11. I wish I could be more understanding at times
12. I wish I could dance like the people on So You Think You Can Dance.
13. I wish I could know when I am making a difference.
14. I wish I get to spend the next 50 years with the man I love, and that we both stay healthy and happy in those years.
15. I wish my parents, Wayne, and siblings could live forever...well maybe just until I was gone. (As for my sons its a given I wish they outlive me)
16. I wish Lennie would always be by my side
17. I wish I could protect all the people I love from pain...well I would wish for no pain, but that is an awfully tall order.
18. I wish I was able to find more time to read, go to the movies, take in the beauty of a day, and just relax.
19. I wish I could relive certain moments again and again- like rocking Zach to sleep as an infant, marrying Wayne, or sitting on my Mom or Dad's lap as a child.
20. I wish I was more athletic
21. I wish I am able to protect my children from all the scary parts of this world
22. I wish to be able to appreciate and experience my children as they discover the beauty and wonder of the world.
23. I wish my sons are happy and healthy and live long complete lives!
24. I wish I could be more patient with others and with myself
25. I wish I was more artistic
26. I wish I could give back to others more- so they would know how valued they are
27. I wish I would age gracefully
28. I wish I can always laugh- even when its hard to
29. I wish I could add more hours to the day, so I could enjoy the time I have with my loved ones just a bit longer
30. I wish I could know for certain what lies beyond...
and for my 31st wish...
Come on now, you know I can't tell you, or it won't come true!
But what do you wish for?

1 comment:

  1. You had me laughing out loud!!! Love number 8 and 9 and running around like a monkey? I feel like I only do that when there are others around! :)

    I wish I could wake up and snap my fingers and already be showered, dressed, hair done and makeup on. That would be great!!!

