Friday, October 29, 2010

Blurry Moments...

Have you tried lately to capture an 11 month old walking? While I have, and its not much fun. Sure you get cute pictures of your son waving at you and smirking with pride:
The problem is the moment is masked in a blur.
Analyze the pic above. What is Wayne doing? Zach looks like he is casting a spell on Matt, and Matt is so focused on getting to his destination that his tongue is actually sticking out in concentration. A funny pic, would be funnier if it wasn't so blurry.

Try as I might these were the best I could do:
Minimal blurring, but also bad angle. I keep wanting to take some new photos with my advanced sports setting, but unfortunately little man Matt is under the weather with a fever and hasn't felt much like moving, let alone mastering his new skill. Speaking of needing to master a skill. Perhaps it isn't the subjects but rather the photographer that needs focus. I tried to capture some pics of Zach and Matt playing with a new toy from Grandma, and I couldn't get a single photo without some blurring:

And it wasn't just my child subjects that caused this problem, just look at this shot where Z and Wayne were being a two headed monster. Even though monsters are supposed to be scary, I think this one is awful handsome. The only thing that was a little scary is how much these two look alike in this photo. I guess even I have to admit that maybe Z favors Wayne more than me:

So folks, I hope you have a great weekend with all of the little(and big) monsters in your life. The weekend is busy, we have Emma's christening, pumpkin carving, Halloween parties and trick or treating to squeeze in before Monday. Enjoy your weekend and have a Happy Halloween!

1 comment:

  1. Oh man! I hate it when that happens! I'm not a great photographer... sometimes I can't figure my point & shoot out... but maybe take it to a camera shop (we have Ritz/Kits cameras around here?) and they an assist you? Nothing is more annoying than a ton of blurry shots. Especially because catching a cute look on a kid is hard enough already!!!

    Happy Halloween!

