Wednesday, October 6, 2010

What Zach isn't being for Halloween...

Getting a Halloween costume for Z has been so easy the last few years. I just saw something I liked and bought it. Well...those days are over. At 2 1/2 Zach has very definite opinions on what he does and does not want to be. I am blaming my mother, since she is the one who spent hours(ok, more like an hour) looking online with Jack and Zach and talking about what they were going to be. (Isn't it great that at 32 I can still use that line :) )

After Matt's costume arrived in the mail a few weeks ago, Zach really stepped up his game. He asked, "Where's my costume Mommy?" and "Is the guy bringing it?" I tried to explain we hadn't picked one out. I asked him what he wanted to be and he said "Wolverine". Try as I might to convince him to be a very cute Captain America, he wasn't interested. He had said Wolverine and that was it. I ordered the costume that day, and a few days later it arrived. He was so excited to put it on, I was a bit more terrified of the "kid" claws that arrived with it. I just kept thinking, claws on a sometimes klutzy 2 year old is probably not the best idea. Zach loved being Wolverine, and he was adorable dressed in his blue and yellow muscle suit. I even started to think it was the perfect costume.

Of course the joy was short lived when I took off the costume and realized that those claws I had dreaded had left a scratch under Z's left eye.

I explained to Zach that Wolverine was out because he had hurt himself with the claws and they were too dangerous. He could be another superhero...a better, less machete like one!

So on to our next pick...SPIDERMAN. Now this was a choice I liked, he doesn't come with hands like cutlery! Unfortunately, Zach hated having a full mask on. I just knew we would never make it Trick or Treating, and so it was on to our next superhero.

On a trip to Target Zach selected Batman the Dark Knight. I hated the costume, it was all black, which just screamed danger to me, but he was pretty insistent that he wanted to be Batman. I bought the costume. After a day or two, I finally tried it on Z, and guess what... it was huge on him. Back to the store it went.

I almost gave up...Zach was running out of his favorite superheroes, but fate was on our side...

(Stay tuned to find out what costume Zach ended up getting to wear on his 3rd Halloween!)

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