Wednesday, September 8, 2010

What I did on the first day of school...

For almost a decade I have been a teacher, and even though some might consider that a veteran teacher, on the first day of school I am still as nervous as that freshman walking in the door. Sure I know where my classroom is, have prepared my lesson plans for the day, but bell after bell I will be meeting my students, the faces that will surround my days for the next ten months, some of them will enter my door hundreds of times before they leave the high school. Some of those faces will challenge me and my patience, others will open my hearts and my mind, and all of them in some way will teach me either about who they are, the world, or myself. Teaching is never boring, but that first day is and always will be one that is exciting and anxiety ridden. As my cooperating teacher once said, "If you're not nervous about something, it means you don't really care about it." Trust me, ten years in, I still care.

Each year I pick out my first day of school outfit, try to get a restless night's sleep and head off in the early morning to make sure I am on time for our 7:20 start. I rush to my room, do a last minute tidy-up and check and double check that I have all of the papers/supplies I need in order for the day. I head to the English office to chit chat with my colleagues about their jitters, and compliment their well planned outfits, and then I shuffle through the halls, looking around at the hundreds of faces and wondering, is that kid in my class? Sometimes you're praying their not, as they push their friends or say something nasty to a passerby, other times you see them laughing at a friend's joke or helping someone find a room, I think it goes without saying, which you hope you see sitting in your classroom. That first day, hundreds of first impressions, on both sides of the desk.

So yesterday, when I woke up at 7 am and realized that I wasn't going to the first day of school, I felt a myriad of emotions. Mostly I was grateful and relieved. Grateful that I had the opportunity to continue working with the two most important students I've ever had. Grateful that I have a husband who supported me in staying out of work for a bit longer, even after we built a beautiful but expensive new home. Grateful that I was exactly where I wanted and needed to be for my spirit, and relieved that these two boys, weren't the ones walking into a "school" meeting their teacher for the first time. Relieved that I was the one on the other side of the crib for the time being instead of the one on the other side of the desk.

I mean aren't these two the cutest pupils you could ever ask for?:

On the first day of school, these are exactly the faces I wanted to see looking back at me. For now, at least, my other students can wait!

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