Friday, January 21, 2011

The only thing worse...

Than getting a bad haircut, is getting your child one!
Zach didn't have a lot of hair as a baby...or early toddler. In fact he was almost two before his hair finally came in. For that reason I have left it long. I didn't want to trim the sides much, or the back, or the front. Basically I wanted him to have a mop of hair. Well recently Zach's hair has been "crazy" to quote him, and we decided that it was time to try something new.What better time to get a haircut then right before you start school. I mean wasn't that always part of the checklist. New shoes, new backpack, new haircut! Here is a photo of Zach with his crazy hair:

Every day when he got up cowlicks would appear in random places. Try as we might to slick them down, new ones would pop up in their place.

So last night we set off with the intention of giving Z a cool big boy cut. One that we could style spiky with some hair gel. I even found a picture of what I thought would look good. As soon as the "stylist" pulled out the clippers Zach was panicking. He just wanted to get out of the chair...solid instincts on that kid. I of course held his head steady as the lady slowly shaved off much of his hair. I couldn't believe how much blonder it was under the longer layers she shaved off. Then she cut the top, and I knew we were in trouble. All of the images of Z as a nearly bald baby rushed in. When Z looked in the mirror, he was so upset. I tried not to look upset, and said, "You look so handsome". He just looked at his reflection and said, "I don't like it, I look like a baby!" I felt horrible. All the best intentions and even a 3 yr old knew that his new do was a dud!

Wayne and I tried to retain our composure, and I assured Zach that the great thing about hair is that is grows back. He was slightly bummed so Wayne offered to get him ice cream. That did the trick, the trauma was behind him and we went to Coldstone and got him some cotton candy ice cream with rainbow sprinkles. He was so anxious to eat it all the way home, and Wayne just looked at me and said, "Well now we know, we should just keep his hair long!" Real helpful!

Zach allowed me to take a few pics of him while he ate his ice cream. He wasn't thrilled at the thought of having his pic taken, but he did insist I take this pic of his ice cream:

Here Zach is reluctantly modeling his new cut:

And him enjoying his bribe, uh I mean treat!

Don't worry bub, you have such a beautiful face that you don't really need a lot of hair. But man oh man, how I wish I was combing down those cowlicks this morning instead of trying to gel up your relative buzz cut!

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