Tonight while I was putting Zach to bed, I ended up talking to him about God. For a long time now, I've been wondering, when might he be ready to try to understand the incomprehensible. He gets a little afraid of the dark, so I wanted him to know that one way to deal with our fears is to talk to God. You know, say a prayer. When I said that he asked me all sorts of questions. Our conversation went a little something like this:
Me: We should say a prayer to God tonight before you go to bed.
Z: Who is God?
Me: Well...its hard to explain. God is a good guy. He is stronger than The Hulk, Smarter than anyone, and He is kind. He is always looking out for you.
Z: Where is He?
Me: Well you can't see Him.
Z: Why not? (looking around his room) Where does He live?
Me: He lives in our hearts and minds
Z: When is He going to come out? We can't see Him if He's in our mind.
Me: No we can't see Him, but we can imagine Him. Close your eyes. Think of all the people you love, think of the most beautiful things you've ever seen, and think of light and happiness. That is where God lives, and one day we will go live with Him in Heaven.
Z: But He doesn't live with us?
Me: Well He sort of does?
Z: I don't see Him. (eyes shifting around the room) Mom He doesn't live with us. (Insisting) He doesn't live with us.
Ok Zach. Do you want to go to where God lives?
Z: Where?
Me: To church, you won't see Him, but that is where people go to listen to stories about Him and visit Him
Ok, Mom (at this point he was sort of confused and a bit overtired)
So I left it at that. I caught myself saying, "God won't let anything bad happen to you" and then caught my breath. You see, I know that isn't true. Bad things happen all the time to great people and while I know there is a greater plan at work, I don't want to deceive Z. I want him to know that Faith and spirituality are important. That being good to others and to himself is essential to happiness. I want him to feel God's grace in his life, and I do want God to protect him, shield him, and nurture him with me, and in the times I can't. Religion is touchy for me. I believe in God. I believe in growth and spirituality, and I believe in the
rightiousness of the world. Which faith I am is up in the air. I know I want to raise my sons to believe, to ground them with the power of faith, but I am not sure how to go about it. So I am asking when it comes to religion and children, how do you get them to see God as more than the ultimate Superhero? When do you start bringing them to church? What can I say so that Zach doesn't see God as a scary watcher, but a friend who has his back. More importantly to Zach, how do I explain why we can't see God? I'm 32 and there are still days I wish He'd pop in for a visit, and then I look in my sons' eyes, and He's right there.