Sunday, April 3, 2011

Mr. Quiet?

It's strange what consumes our minds. Lately it has really started to bother me that Mattie isn't speaking more. He'll say words, but he isn't a chatterbox, and would rather point or grunt at you than speak. I have heard him say Mama, dada, ball, Bubble, Cookie, Lennie, Doggie, Hi, Bye, and Night Night, among a few other words, and while that list might seem promising if you spent a day with him you might get all or none depending on his mood. I know we are not supposed to compare children to each other, but by his age Zach was talking a lot more, and with much more frequency.

Somedays I am concerned that Matt is always going to be:Quiet would be one thing...since we already have a in the house(Good luck guessing if that's Zach, Wayne or Lennie).

And of couse a:

But, you see it wouldn't bother me so much if at the root of it all I didn't just think Matt was being :Or even worse, he knows a lot and has decided just to be:Then again, it seems to run in the family. All of the men/boys here have a little bit of :in them! Heaven help me :)

I guess whatever the reason that Matt has chosen(and I do belive its his choice) not to talk a lot just yet, He'll always be

to me!

1 comment:

  1. This was a cute post :-) You see, Addie talked very late in comparison to other kids her age. By her second birthday, she was still only saying single words. She wasn't putting together sentences our long phrases and it had me really worried. Now, of course, you can't get the girl to STOP talking. Haha! All the while, the pedi kept telling me all kids speak on their own time and he was right. She just needed a little longer than her friends. So I guess that is why I am not too worried about Blake. He is saying even less than Matt it seems, but they have similar words in their vocab (i.e. Mama, Dada, ball, hi, bye, yeah, no and "Ada" which I am pretty sure is Addie). He has said night night on a few occasions too. He just isn't Mr. Chatty right now, but if he is anything like his sister, I give him another year and he will be chatting away like CRAZY! Same with Matt. I know it's hard not to worry but Moms need to remind each don't worry :-)

