Monday, May 17, 2010

Because I promised...

I don't know how much time I have to write this post, because both boys are down for a nap. They are having what I call a tag team day, one wakes up, just as the other falls asleep, it forces me to accomplish none of the "things" I have to do. I did mention to pack one box while I was waiting for Zach to fall asleep, and I am sure if I rush really fast, I might be able to get at least 2 or 3 more boxes packed before Matt wakes up. But last week I did say I would write about the house, and I never did. I will say at least it is a structure now, so that is promising. We will be out of our house sometime in the next ten days, and I am doing my best to make life as normal as possible as we pack things up. They are long days, days I wish I could fast forward through, and yet I know looking back they will be memories I cherish. I am so fortunate that I get to go home again, and in many ways am looking forward to spending quality time with my Mom in the weeks we wait for our house to be built. I just hope the boys transition well, and that all of our potty-training success doesn't backslide, in the weeks ahead.

I just remind myself that I am a lucky girl.

I have a wonderful husband, two beautiful and healthy sons, a family that would walk through fire for me, and an opportunity to build my dream home. As stressful as the days ahead seem, I am practically walking on air thinking of what our future holds.

Here is a sneak peak at our house in one of its "rough" stages:

The house has come a far way since then. I will post a pic of what it looks like now in a few days. I also need to post some pics of the new addition to our family, my puppy niece Bella, but she deserves her own post, which I will try to write in the coming days.

1 comment:

  1. It looks beautiful Amy! I can't wait to see more pictures. Also, I need a nap just thinking about all that you have on your plate. I think it is so admirable for you to be humble enough to move in with your parents for the time that is neccesary to build your new home. Of course it is so generous of them to have you in their home, but I'm sure you are just as wonderful of a daughter as you describe your family. These next few months will prove to be difficult at times, I'm sure but it will all be worth it in the end!!!

    Hang in there!

