What I am going to miss most about this summer...
10. Wayne's runs to get me ice cream weekly at our favorite summer ice cream shop
9. Having Wayne grill at least 2-3 of the dinners we eat a week.
8. Being able to enjoy my newly landscaped backyard...even if it is just from my kitchen window some days.
7. The fact that I don't have to worry about what I am wearing, since most days the only people who see me are Wayne and Zach, and they are forgiving.
6. Being able to cuddle/play with Lennie anytime I want throughout the day.
5. Getting to go on adventures with my friends and family to great places like the zoo, or shopping whenever I want to.
4. Getting to spend time with my sister, my Mom and my nephew Jack while swimming or just hanging out at my Mom's house.
3. Naps and late mornings...everything changes when sleep schedules get shifted
2. The extra family time; Whether it be going to the lake, taking walks, Wayne's pop-ins throughout the workday, getting to sit down and eat breakfast as a family (without having to pack a bag, write in a journal, or not even see my son in the a.m. on any given workday), having an extra hour of playtime because bedtime is later...seriously you get my point.
1. This little person who when I think about all the moments of; smiles, words, laughter, adventures,funny faces, mischief, tears, our final days of just him and I, and our general togetherness that I will miss...my heart breaks.
I miss spending time with Mr. Zulu. Do you think we could plan a play date ?