Wednesday, June 16, 2010


We are in the home stretch for the arrival of my niece Emma. Part of the reason I haven't been blogging lately is my sister is off of work at the moment, and every day we are together. There is something so calming about the presence of women you love when you are gearing up for childbirth. I can definitely say that I would never want to give birth without another woman in the room, preferably a mother or a sister. That is why my Mom was with me both times, I guess no matter how old you get when your Mom is there, you feel like no matter what you will be ok, because she isn't going to let anything bad happen to you.

Ironically, my Mother says watching my sister and I give birth has been both an amazing and difficult experience for her, because while she feels blessed to be part of our children's arrival, it is brutal to watch your own child in pain and feel helpless. I guess it is the continuation of the double edged sword of parenting.

My sister is ready to meet her daughter these days, and we are all definitely ready to meet the 1st princess in our family. I have already lined up my inclusion in prom dress shopping, and wedding dress shopping, as well as spa days with my girls. I am so thrilled that we will have another girl to add to our adventures, and I know she is going to keep us all fashionable in our old age!

I have heard that "girls rob your beauty" during pregnancy, but my sister has been radiant, even now at 9 months pregnant. The boys are all anxious to meet the new baby, but Matt is especially invested since she will be his play cousin. Here Matt is snuggling in to try to win over Emma early:

And here are a few pics of my sis posing with the needlepoint I made for Emma...I always say she is the only one that will probably keep it into adulthood, the boys' I will hold on to and give to their wives someday.

Li, you look great! Now tell my niece to hurry up and arrive, so we can see her adorable face!

1 comment:

  1. I read this when you posted it on my phone but couldn't comment! I see now that she's here... But I loved this post too! :)

