Wednesday, June 9, 2010

What the boys are up to...

I know if you are reading this post, you haven't given up on my sporadically written blog yet! I swear everyday I have the intention of blogging, but time runs out. If it makes you feel better I have nearly two weeks of my soap opera on DVR with very little hope of every actually watching the episodes. My life is currently in fast forward, great for finishing the house, not so great for trying to accomplish tasks in a given day. Fast forward is also a little daunting when it applies to your children.

These days my boys are both up and moving, in very different ways. Zach is still mastering potty-training, some days are better than others, but he has found that he is great at getting into everything. Here he is testing out his brother's walker, washing the dishes, and showing off his new Spiderman apparel with his BFF and cousin Jack:

Matt is really starting to talk, he is saying Ba Ba all the time, although he isn't talking about his bottle, more babbling. He is sitting up like a champ these days, being taken for rides in his walker, and just being overall adorable.

Aren't they just the sweetest?

In a few weeks all of my boys and I will be living here:(except hopefully by then it will be sided and have floors!)

Hang in there readers, I will post again soon!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh...Matt is getting SO BIG!!!!! I can't believe it!!! Both your boys are just precious with their little dimples. Love it!! And Amy...OMG...your new house is going to be GORGEOUS!!!!!!! I can't wait to see more pics of it when the siding goes up. See mama...this will all be worth it very soon.

