Or relaxing as he prepares for his next piano(keyboard) concert:Some days he even conducts experiments...in this picture he is working on the properties of static electricity
This special place allows him to express his inner thoughts. Take this image where he is clearly looking at me like I am a nuisance for trying to interrupt his sanctuary just to take yet another photo of him:
This little spot that is all Zach's(unless an adult mistakenly climbs inside and tears it...sorry to blow you in Wayne) in none other than his Elmo tent...or as Zach says his teeant, for some reason he says tent with a Southern drawl, it's cute but strange since were Northerners.
And although Sesame Street markets this tent as "Elmo's world" when my 2 year old climbs inside...it's Zachary's world! Does anyone want to tell Lennie?
Because this was what I saw today:
Emma has that tent too and loves it! I love the new look of your blog!