Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Near misses...

I know I still need to post about Christmas, and I promise it is coming this year. The last few days both hubby and I were a bit under the weather, but thankfully, the boys have been fine.

Fine. Ok. Maybe Matt hasn't been quite fine. A few days ago he pulled my new demilune table my Mom and Dad got me for Christmas down on him. Thank goodness he was ok. Talk about scary. That table won't be seeing my foyer till after some drywall issues have been sorted, and I can mount it into my wall. Such a shame too, since I love it, its perfect...just not perfect for a energetic toddler who loves to explore everything! Thank the Lord my baby was ok. Near miss.

Today. Matt loves doors. LOVES DOORS! I have safety locks on nearly all of them in my 1st floor, and still he is fascinated. When I took Z to the potty earlier today, Matt followed. In his zest for privacy, Zach closed the door. Usually when this happens I hear a sigh of protest from the toddler on the other side. Today I heard a cry of pain. Sheer pain. I opened the door to see Matt screaming, and I immediately looked to his hands. His ring finger had definitely been closed in the door, it was squeshed and purple. PANIC. I hurried off the phone with my sister(Oh, yeah I forgot to mention that) as I was sweeping Matt up into my arms. I was terrified that his finger was torn, broken, maimed. The poor boy was in agony, and I was scattered. Thankfully, Wayne was home, so he rushed in to see what had happened, we got some ice on the finger, realized that it was probably broken and started to game plan.

My Mom came over. Z went in for a nap. Matt was held and soothed. Calls were made. 1st to the doctor, then to my go to doctor, my couisin in law Joe. We rushed to meet up with Joe at one of his offices and x rays were taken. The cries I heard made me cry in the waiting room. It was horrid. Matt was so upset by the whole process, and I was rattled.

We got the great news that Matt's finger was not broken. That it was sprained. I sighed a breathe of relief and felt humbled by the near miss again.

Tonight my baby is asleep in his bed, with all ten fingers and toes, he isn't broken, he is a bit bruised, and I can't help but feel blessed. There have been far too many near misses for my liking this week. I will take it as a sign to be more vigilant, more aware, more in the moment, rather than cleaning up toys, or trying to juggle three tasks. I remain grateful tonight that I was lucky. Lucky it was a near miss.


  1. Oh, ouchie!!! Fingers in doors are always a hazard! I still remember my mom shutting four of my fingers in our mini-van's door when I was 4 or so. Youch! So glad that his near misses weren't worse!!!

    These things happen though so don't let yourself feel too bad about it. Kids get into everythings and we all (Aunties too!) do our best to keep them safe. :0)

    I look forward to looking at your Christmas post!

  2. Oh Amy...I know exactly how you are feeling tonight sweetie. Been there. Done that. But I am going to give you some advice that YOU gave me when I had a near miss. Well actually...mine was a miss. But reminded me that distractions happen, especially when you try to juggle all that we do, and that is doesn't make you a bad mama. It just makes you more aware of your blessings and it gives you the gentle reminder that we have to slow down every once and a while and not try to be super mom. You are a WONDERFUL mommy to those boys and I betcha Matt will be up tomorrow smiling like nothing every happened. So you do the same :-) Hugs!!

  3. Thanks Chelsi and Jen for the pep talk. I know that you are both right, and yet when you are in the moment you feel so terrible. Jen you were dead on. Matt woke up and didn't pay any attention to his bruised finger at all. Then as if the cosmos just like to tease me, Zach fell today and got a fat lip! Such is motherhood I guess, especially with two rough and tumble boys!

