Monday, May 4, 2009

Intelligender- Hit or Miss?

Awhile ago a friend told me about an at home gender prediction kit she had bought for "fun" while she was pregnant. It turned out that the test worked for her! So this time around I thought,"Oh how fun, I'll get two tests just to be sure of the results, and then I'll see if it's a sham or for real." Well the website claims that the test is 90% accurate, and so far, I can't speak to that at all. What I can tell you is that I took a test this weekend and the results were not as clear cut as I thought they would be. I decided to hold off and take the 2nd test in a few weeks to compare the results. Now feel free to weigh in on whether you would read this test as a "boy" or a "girl" result. So which color do the contents match up to? More right or left?
Here is the one side:
Here is the other:

Confused yet? The web site says that a boy result should be a dark smokey green. I know this doesn't really look super green, but there is a hintof green don't you think? For now Wayne and I decided that girl was the winner...but who knows...only time and a sonogram can tell.


  1. I would say looks more orangey to me!

  2. That is totally and completely GIRL!!!!!!!!! Not a question about it!! This is exactly what my girl ones looked like when I took the tests with Addie. Looks like you might get the daughter after all! Can't wait to see the results on your second test :-)

  3. That is a girl! I'm so glad you told us about your blog! And I loved the snapple story :) What a sweetie DH is! (It's Babya by the way!)

    Also, check out this blog.... . You can enter to win an awesome sweet would that be with a little one on the way... :)

