Sunday, May 3, 2009

My Snapple Sweetie!

Looks refreshing doesn't it? I know which is why I have been craving some sweet lemon flavored ice tea! A few days ago Wayne ran in to the convenience store by our house to pick up some milk, I begged him to buy me a Lemon flavored Snapple ice tea. Ten minutes later, Wayne emerged,annoyed by some woman who apparently was holding up the line, with a bag in hand. As we were pulling out of the parking lot, I reached in to grab my ice cold beverage only to find that the bag did not have an Snapple inside at all. I innocently asked, "Did you forget something?" as a look of horror and surprise registered across Wayne's face. The man literally gasped "Oh...I forgot...I'll turn around I am so sorry!" I assured my darling husband that I would survive without it, and to forget it. No big deal. Well today I went out to lunch with some friends at the OG(my 3rd time there this month, I am actually a little sick of it at the moment) and when I returned I found the sweetest surprise waiting for me. Not only had my sweetie gone shopping with our son on his own (a feat even I do not enjoy), but he had purchased a case...yes a case of some delicious Snapple ice tea for me! He even bought a bow and put it on the case, and had three bottles chilling in the fridge. For a pregnant woman, this is romance, and I can honestly say one of the sweetest memories I'll keep on those days I want to strangle this very same man. I mean how could Wayne have known that even the OG didn't have sweetened ice tea and I had met with that disappointment just a few hours before? He didn't. He just remembered...well me! What more can you ask of your partner in crime than to think about you just because and buy you a Snapple or two to satisfy your cravings. Needless to say, it's just a beverage, but I feel like a very lucky lady to be blessed with this man! Now if you'll excuse me...all this talking has made me thirsty...I think I'll go enjoy my ice tea!

1 comment:

  1. I love Lemon flavored Snapple! I really need to give up pop and I might have to replace it with this! ;) That was soo sweet of your hubby!

