Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fools

One of my favorite memories of April Fools is a time my brother Nick thought it would be funny to prank my Mom. We pretended he had banged his head on the bedpost, and he put ketchup on his hand and forehead. My sister and I ran to get my Mom, and we all must have been pretty good actors, because I could see the panic set in as my Mom tried to assess the damage. She deftly moved my brother's hand away and instantaneously realized we had tricked her. We watched as her face shifted from one of fear to one of anger. Fortunately for us, my mother has always been forgiving, after a brief lecture on how we shouldn't scare her to death, she forgave us for our prank. Looking back it wasn't the best April Fools joke, (Zach don't even think about it), but it's a worthy memory because when the three of us pooled our resources we could do anything...even pull one over on one smart cookie! So no matter what practical joke you pull today, just be happy you have the people you love to prank right along with you.

