Just look at the face of my sickie baby. Doesn't his expression just say, "Hey, Mom what is up with this flu thing?" That's right, this morning we woke up to a baby covered in vomit, after an early morning bath and some much needed clean-up, we started the day hoping for the best. Unfortunately, Zach's flu decided it should exit from the other-side, and the scene that Wayne described is better left unwritten. Needless to say, Mommy rushed home from school to nurture her sickie. Aside from a few pouty faces (see above and below) the day was mostly splendid. Zach played with his best bud, Lennie:
At first, Zach was a little unsure of the nesting blocks, but after knocking them over a few times, he realized it was also a lot of fun to try to put them back together.
Although it wasn't the ideal way to spend the day with my little man, I just think he is so adorable when he's engrossed in learning. Now if only I could see the same look on my students faces when we're discussing a book.
Since Zach was feeling fine by evening, Grandma Alice came for a visit, we had a very lovely dinner and play time until... well let's just say sickie baby struck again! Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day, and sickie baby will go away and super smiley baby will be back!
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