Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Jell-O and Hello!

As Zach is getting older, he is just such a stitch to be around. He is always smiling and looking for a way to get others to laugh at him, he really is an entertainer. Dinner time is no exception to Zach's charm, and since he is an awesome eater I sometimes reward him with dessert. For example, the other day I picked up some Jell-O at the store, and after a well eaten meal of chicken and potatoes, I gave some to little man. I cut it up into cubes and gave him his fork, since we are trying to master that skill, and let him have at it. Things started out so sophisticated:
But quickly Zach realized that orange Jell-O is not only cool to touch, but also delicious, so he wanted to get to eat it faster...for Zach that meant digging in...literally:
And then of course, shoveling it in:

Not only has Zach been busy enhancing his palette for delectable desserts, but he is quite the conversationalist these days. He is saying a lot of individual words, and will try to repeat what you say most of the time if you prompt him. He also spends some time jargoning in Zach speak, but we have some great conversations that way. One of the cutest things Zach is doing these days is that when the phone rings he say "Hello". In casual meetings he uses Hi, but most of the time in regards to the phone its "hello". I think he gets that from his father, who is constantly on his phone taking business calls. Here is the little man in action:

No matter where Zach acquired the skill, he's loving it. He even holds the phone up to his "ear: (as you can see its more like the back of his head) to "talk" and will now carry a conversation with the person at the other end that goes something like,

Me: "Zach say hi"

Z: "hiiii"

Me: "Zach say blue"

Z: "blue"

Me: "Zach say bye"

Z: "Byeeeeeeee"

Sometimes we mix up the word in the middle with something like; Lennie, or tree, or yellow, or shoes, well you get the point. My little baby is getting to be such a little boy, and while I am sad to see him getting older, I feel so fortunate that I am his "Mama" and he is always going to be my Zach.

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